Math, Comp & Art

at Heart

Fallacious arguments are persuasive but do not logically support their conclusions

Dec. 31, 2023, 8:20 p.m.

The 2023 Wrap Up

By Maurice Ticas



Find Me With Trees

In May of this year I completed another semester at CSU Pomona without a Master's degree because of an unfinished thesis with Jungwon Mun. It is time for me to move on from CSU Pomona. The interactions with Dr. Mun were with a focus in categorical data analysis. Meeting Dr. Mun has helped me grow to pursue ordinal categorical data analysis. As a statistician and mathematician, I now am more keen on writings from Alan Agresti about the subject of categorical data analysis.

This year has made my values as a mathematician and programmer more well-defined. My values now propound those of the Free Software Foundation.

In another year of much hype about machine learning and artificial intelligence, it is best for us to highlight the creative contributions of people instead of praising what a machine can algorithmically produce for us to admire.

For the future in 2024, I hope to produce content. Media is still a force that helps shape public perception, opinion, and cultural acceptance and understanding. I hope to use online this power of media to my advantage. The goal is to help foster mathematics as a creative discipline.

Now that this year is at a close, I can bring back to life in 2024 what I have created over the years.

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May 12, 2022, 1:49 p.m.

Expected Value of a Conditional Prob

By Maurice Ticas





The interesting question is the one that asks the time traveled question: Given that we know the number \(k\) of chicks, what is the expected value of the number \(n\) of eggs that our mama chick has laid?

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Feb. 1, 2021, 2:08 p.m.

Necessary and Sufficient in Mathematics

By Maurice Ticas



powerful and logical mind

Now in our journey of whatever mathematical theory we participate, we can sometimes express a relationship among two statements A and B as saying one statement is necessary and/or sufficient for the other statement.

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2023: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
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